INFO: Unser Kalender für 2025 ist da! Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!              Eine Anmeldung ist nicht mehr erforderlich.             Bitte werfen Sie vorab einen Blick auf die Öffnungstage im Kalender 2025.             Hunde sind willkommen auf der Mineralienhalde.             Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter AKTUELL.




The Mineralienhalde Grube Clara in Wolfach-Kirnbach offers you the unique opportunity to search for rare minerals yourself. The daily new deliveries of rock from the Clara mine, with over 400 different proven minerals the most mineral-rich mine in the world, promises unique mineral discoveries. 

For both- experienced mineral collectors and families with children, the Mineralienhalde is an exciting change from everyday life and gives you a unique insight into the world of minerals. 

The Children are explained how to use magnifying glasses and are thus brought closer to the world of small crystals. At the end they can wash "gold" (fool's gold) themselves and receive their own gold panning certificate.

A visit to the mineral dump is also ideal for children's birthday parties oder Klassen-/Schulausflügen. Einladungsvordrucke Kindergeburtstag oder Klassenausflug können Sie here herunterladen.


An vier Wochenenden pro Jahr öffnen wir für Sie die großen Mineralienhalden.
Diese Produktionshalden sind im Normalbetrieb nicht zugänglich. Bei den „Großen Halden“ steht Ihnen eine größere Menge an Erzen zum Durchsuchen zur Verfügung.
Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich diese Tage zu echten Highlights für professionelle und Hobbysammler entwickelt.
Der Eintritt erfolgt über denselben Zugang wie zur Mineralienhalde.

If you would like to visit us, please enter „Mineralienhalde“ on Google Maps, not „Grube Clara“.


The raw ore in which the minerals can be searched for comes from the Clara mine in the Rankachtal in Oberwolfach. There, the industrial minerals barite and fluorspar are extracted underground and transported to the processing plant in Wolfach, 13 km away, for further processing (processing, refinement).

Work has been going on in the mine since the Middle Ages, the first miners were looking for silver and copper, today the industrial minerals heavy spar (barite) and fluorspar (fluorite) are mined there. 

Das letzte Bergwerk im Schwarzwald- Die Mineralien der Grube Clara 

Access to the mine is via a ramp and about 30 km of tracks (tunnels) where the miners extract the ores. Holes are drilled into the rock with drill rigs, loaded with explosives and then blown up. The loosened ore is loaded with wheel loaders and dumped into small shafts. The raw ore is loaded onto trucks from these shafts and transported directly from the mine to Wolfach for processing. The resulting cavities in the mountain are completely filled again to ensure the stability of the mountain.

Various concentrates are produced from the mined raw ores in the processing plant in complex processes.

Barite is used as a basic product in the automotive supply industry in soundproofing materials, underbody protection, plastics, carpets, etc. Further applications are in deep drilling technology, as heavy concrete in radiation protection or in counterweights for cranes.

Fluorspar is used in the chemical industry to obtain fluorine, which in turn is used in toothpaste, coolants and much more. In addition, fluorspar is used as a flow agent in the welding industry, metal smelting or other melting processes.

Links rund ums Thema Mineralien:

Festival der Kristalle
Internationalen Haslacher Mineralientag

Am 3.| 4. August 2024 findet in dem Marktstädtchen Haslachder Festival der Kristalle statt.

Mehr Informationen  finden Sie unter:
